Monday, June 16, 2014

Daddy To The Rescue

We are officially all moved in with my parents! And it only took a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears! :) 

My mom came down last Wednesday to stay with Lilly and me. I used her car to get the last little bit of what was left in my classroom since it's a lot bigger than my car. She kept Lilly and cleaned the house which was a HUGE help. Then she drove my car back to Sanford on Friday so I could pack the rest of our stuff in her bigger back seat. I went to work for about an hour to finish up some last min things and to say goodbye to my fabulous coworkers. That was hard and so bittersweet. I am really going to miss Grifton. 

Mike came on Friday and once again Lilly was SO happy to see him. I am so so so glad that phase 1 of moving back home is over. Being away from Mike for 4 weeks was the hardest thing ever, and he absolutely hated being away from Lilly. 

We spent all day Saturday getting the house ready. Mike put the "For Sale" sign in the yard and spent the whole day outside cutting the grass and hauling off stuff to the dump. Lilly and I stayed inside and finished cleaning/packing. By 3:00 we had packed up both cars and were ready to hit the road. But there was one problem..... 

I couldn't find my moms car keys! I started searching every single place that I thought a toddler would hid keys (trash can, toilet, couch cushions, all the bags in the car..) until I decided that they were nowhere to be found. A quick phone call home confirmed my worst fear... The keys to my moms car were in her pocketbook.. Which was with her.... In SANFORD! 

Thank goodness Lilly was staring at me, because I probably would have NOT kept my cool as good as I did. And besides... How mad can I be at the lady who is letting me move in to her house with a husband, toddler, and dog... For free! She's lucky she's so great! 

Daddy to the rescue!! My wonderful dad jumped right in his car and drove 2 hours to deliver the keys so we could go home. I have never been so happy to see the Lee County sign in all of my life... And wine! 

We got home around 7 and I unpacked everything into our new room. It feels so good to not have to be apart from Mike anymore! We celebrated Father's Day on Sunday with both of our daddy's and didn't have to drive 2 hours back to Winterville. I could get used to this :) Life is so good. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Home Again, Home Again

I've been waiting a while to write this blog! The short version is that Mike got a new job, our house is on the market, and we are moving in with my parents. Yes, you read that right! Operation move closer to home is in full swing! 

Here's the long version:

We have been wanting to move closer to home for a while now, especially since having Lilly. We had our house on the market last year but took it off after 6 months. Mike looked up jobs daily around the Raleigh area. Nothing much was really happening. He graduated in December with his Masters Degree in GIS from NC State. He applied for a few jobs that caught his eye and we just waited and prayed! He got a call from the City of Durham and had an interview over Skype. We prayed some more. Then he got called for a 2nd interview, this time face to face. A few weeks later he got the call that he got the job (hubby brag: he beat out 60 people for this job!!!) And that is when we realized that life as we know it was about to get crazy! 

Mike started his job 3 weeks ago so we have only been able to see him on the weekends. He is living with his sister and commuting to Durham. Our families have been so great during all of this. Lilly and I are still here so I can finish out the school year. This part of our new journey has been HARD. Thank goodness for FaceTime. Lilly has had a hard time not seeing her daddy everyday. This past weekend absolutely melted my heart when she saw him. She just kept pointing at him and smiling and wanted lots of hugs. 

I've really upped my cooking skills. Instead of making plain spaghetti, I've spiced it up and added cheese to it. Thank goodness for my friend Amy inviting us over for dinner and playtime with Emma! That was super helpful and super thoughtful. And Lilly loves playing with her Emma. :) 

The hardest part has been getting us both up and ready in the mornings and dropping Lilly off at daycare by 7 am. She's cried a lot while dropping her off. That just makes my heart hurt so much. But just a few more days of that and then it's summer break!!! 

So the last part of this new crazy adventure is that we are moving in with my parents until we can sell our house here. When I thought about moving closer to home, I didn't realize I would be this close! But I'm sure lots of almost 30 year olds with toddlers and husbands and dogs move in with their parents... Right? They have been amazing though. The whole basement has been turned into a playroom with Lilly's toys. It's kinda scary because we don't know how long it will take for us to sell our house, but they have done so much to make sure we are comfortable during this transition. And now I get to raid my moms closet and makeup drawer whenever I want! Right mom!!? 

We have also put Lilly's TODDLER BED upstairs at my parents house. I'm sure there will be a blog about this soon as we transition her out of our bed into her big girl bed! Oh joy! 

I've also applied and interviewed at some schools and will update about that when everything is "official". 

All that's left to do is find a new daycare and pediatrician for Lilly. Any recommendations would be great!! 

So this is our crazy life right now! My mom is coming down on Wednesday to help me pack up my classroom and Mike will be here Friday so we can finish a few things at the house before we are out of here for good and can be together again. So bittersweet. Tune in for the hilarious blogs to come about living with your rents, husband and toddler. 

God is so good.