Monday, October 29, 2012

Goodnight Moon

We went to Barnes and Noble on Sunday in search for the book, The No-Cry Sleep Solution. I've heard so many great things about this book. It's designed for parents who want to help their children develop better sleep habits without the baby having to cry it out. It has come to our attention that we need a better nighttime routine (and more sleep wouldn't hurt either!).

We obviously didn't have a baby so we could sleep hours on end with no interruptions. Every parent knows that you will have to sacrifice sleep for your baby. I never want to complain about the lack of sleep (whine...well, maybe a little) because Lilly is so wonderful and we are so blessed. I never want to complain about anything! It almost makes me feel guilty because i know how fortunate we are to have this healthy baby. But the truth of the matter is that we all need more sleep and Lilly needs a more consistent bedtime routine. There, I said it!

Around 3 months old, Lilly was going to sleep by 10:00 pm at the latest, waking for only 1 night feed between 3 and 4, and then sleeping until 6:30 or 7:00 am. I have always nursed Lilly to sleep since day 1. This was wonderful and we finally stopped feeling like zombies.

Around 4 months, Lilly was sleeping through the night! She was still going to bed around 9:30 or 10 but had cut out that 1 night feeding. We didn't know what to do with ourselves! I found myself putting my hand on her chest throughout the night just so I could feel it go up and down. I guess I thought that Lilly would continue to sleep through the night forever. This thought makes me laugh out loud.

Around 5 1/2 months, Lilly's sleep habits completely changed. She had started daycare and was adjusting to that schedule. She was outgrowing her rock and sleep cradle so we started to transition her to the crib. She was hitting that 6 month growth spurt. She had a nasty cold. And to top it all off, she was showing some signs of teething. Sleep went out the window.

This is when we started letting Lilly co-sleep. It was the only way I could get some descent sleep because I could nurse her back to sleep laying down. What started out as a quick fix has quickly become our nightly routine. Lilly wakes 3-4 times a night now to nurse. She starts out in her crib and then we bring her into our bed. I don't mind the co-sleeping and the night feedings. I enjoy that extra time I get to spend with her. What I need help with is getting Lilly to sleep at a descent time and helping her find ways to fall back asleep on her own if she wakes up more than once or twice. As of right now, it takes us about 2 hours to get Lilly to settle down and go to sleep.

I'm only half way through the book and I already love it. Leaving Lilly to cry in her crib all alone is just not for us. I can't wait to share our progress! Stay tuned!

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