Lilly is 7 months old today. Lilly is 7 months old today. Lilly is 7 months old today. Yep, doesn't matter how much I say it, it just doesn't seem real. How can 7 months go by so quickly? She is now on the older side of a babies first year. Can't I just pretend she is still 6 months old for the next few months just like a 42 year old woman still celebrates her 39th birthday every year? I know, I know... I should be excited that Lilly is growing and learning so much! And I truly am! It is amazing to watch her grow and she is SO MUCH FUN! But this didn't stop me from crying yesterday as I packed away her newborn clothes. I found her hat from the hospital and the outfit she came home in. Waterworks!
These are just a few milestones (or lillystones) that she has achieved over the past 7 months and fun facts:
Rolling over
Sitting up
Rocking- if I'm not rocking I'm sleeping
Laughing- anything daddy does is funny
Talking- baba, mama, dada, and gurgling
Grabbing and holding toys
No teeth
Has only had 2 colds and a few fevers
Foods so far- oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and avocado
Sleep schedule- I'm a work in progress!
Favorite toy- Scout and my new squeaky blocks
Weight- A little over 16 lbs
Favorite activity- nursing... Yep definitely still my favorite thing to do
Hair- can't wear my bows yet
Nicknames my crazy parents call me- peanut, peanut head, peanut butter, sweet girl, sweetie, sweetie pie, LG, pumpkin, pumpkin head, miss priss... This list could go on and on!
We love our little peanut head!
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