Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Want My Mommy!

The best place to cry is in your mothers arms. This is more true for me today than its ever been. I can be completely fine until I hear my moms voice on the other end of the phone and then i turn into a sobbing mess. She knows me so well.

Lilly woke up with a fever Sunday night. She had a runny nose and a cough. I stayed home with her on Monday and she had a fever on and off. Early Tuesday morning her fever got up to 102.8. I took her to the doctor to get her checked out. She had an upper respiratory infection. They told me to just keep giving Tylenol for her fever. She didn't have anymore fevers that day and slept a lot so I thought she was finally feeling better.

Tuesday night Lilly started acting fussy and uncomfortable and kept scratching her head. We were up with her from 2:00-5:00. Around 6:30am we noticed that her head was very red and covered in scratches from her itching it. Nothing we did could calm her down. We felt so helpless and just wanted to soothe her. I started saying those crazy prayers that go like this: Dear God, you can give me Lilly's rash and make it 10x worse just so she can feel better. She didn't even want to nurse! My little nursing queen would pull off and scream. The cure all was not working! I probably looked like a robot that had short circuited.

So what do you do when you are all out of answers? You call your momma! And that is exactly what I did at 6:30 am. I could barely speak I was so upset. I just wanted Lilly to feel better. Then my mom said 4 little words that made it all better- "I'll be right there"

I took Lilly back to the doctor right when they opened. They checked her ears again and even did some blood work but everything was negative. By this point her head was so red and itchy that she couldn't keep her hands off of it and she was screaming. My heart broke into a million pieces. They just told me that the rash was caused from her fever and that it was very common and they sent me on my way.

When my mom got to our house I felt so relieved! She even brought groceries and made her famous chicken-pot-pie and some chili. She put a cool washcloth on Lilly's head and that seemed to help. She sent me off to take a nap.

Lilly was still very uncomfortable the rest of the day but my mom reassured me that she was going to be ok. She stayed up with Lilly until 2 in the morning so we could sleep.

The next day Lilly seemed so much better. I was able to go back to work. Lilly slept a lot and her head was finally looking better. She was still scratching it on and off but seemed much more relaxed. My mom took her out shopping that afternoon and got Lilly a new toy! This time we sent my mom off to take a nap and Lilly slept great that night.

My mom left Friday and Lilly was able to go to daycare. I was sad to see her go. I don't know what I would do without my mom. She can still kiss my boo boo's and make everything better. And more importantly, she shows me what kind of mother I need to be to Lilly. What the daughter does, the mother did.

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