Saturday, October 13, 2012


Our weekends are oh so different now that we have sweet Lilly to enjoy them with. You really do wonder what you used to do with all that "free time". This is such a huge lifestyle change that I hardly remember life before Lilly. Sometimes I feel like she's been with us forever. This is how our Saturday went:

Lilly woke up with the sun at 6:30 am. After a diaper change and some nursing we sat her up in bed and played. This could easily be the best part of my day... But it gets better!

We get out of bed around 8:00. Lilly plays in her bouncer while I shower and Mike cooks up a good ol' breakfast. After some coffee I picked Lilly up only to discover a huge blowout that went up her back and all over her bouncer. BATH TIME!!!

During bath time Mike comes in to watch Lilly splash around. He tells me that I can put Lilly on the other side of her baby tub now that she can sit up pretty well. It was so much easier! I didn't even realize that her tub was designed like that and I give her a bath all of the time. You learn something new everyday! Good job daddy!

After bath time Lilly took a nice long nap in her swing. Mike went to the grocery store and I got ready for the day. Then we all hopped in the truck and drove to the pumpkin patch. Lilly wore her special Halloween outfit.

Lilly saw lots of cool stuff at the pumpkin patch! She really liked the animals. We took a few pictures and then picked out a pumpkin before going back home. (oh yeah, and a quick stop at DQ so I could get a pumpkin pie blizzard. Thank the lord they didn't have this when I was pregnant or I would have gained an extra 30 lbs).

Mike went hunting this afternoon and Lilly and I played some more! I even painted my toenails while she sat up on her playmat. I painted my fingernails too but they got jacked up before they dried because, well you know, I have a baby!

Now I'm sitting in bed nursing a sleepy baby and getting some extra cuddles in. The weekends are just too short. This could also easily be my favorite part of the day. But the truth is, I love it all. Even the blow out diapers and the messed up nail polish. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.

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