Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

A note to my daughters on Mother's Day. Thank you. Thank you for being patient with me as I learn the ropes. Thank you for loving me even when I make mistakes. Thank you for showing me how important the simple things in life are. For the laughs, the joy, the incredible amount of love and hugs and kisses. But most of all, thank you for making me a mom. 

I was not prepared for this thing called motherhood. I knew how to change diapers and wash bottles and fold your little onesies. I learned how your car seat worked, how you liked to be held, and what your little cries meant. But I had no idea how incredibly hard those first weeks would be, how emotionally hard those first days back to work would be, and how heart wrenching it would be to see you in any type of pain or discomfort. I was not prepared. Your first shots were hard. Your first fever was hard. Your first booboo was hard. You reaching out for me and crying morning after morning at daycare drop off was hard. Your sleepless nights due to teething and ear aches were hard. I was not prepared. 

But you trusted me. You believed in me. You needed me. You kept me going. You gave me the confidence I needed just when I felt like I was failing. 

Your sweet smiles reassured me. Your contagious laugh reassured me. Your endless amount of hugs and kisses reassured me. I wasn't doing it all wrong. I was learning and growing, just like you.

And because of you, my name changed to mommy. The best name in the world. And on this day, I am so very grateful and honored to be your mom. 

Happy Mother's Day ❤️

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