(Bedtime snuggles)
But this week is SPRING BREAK and today I felt like I had it all together. We slept in until 7, watched some cartoons, went downstairs and I ate some cereal and had a nice cup of coffee while Madelyn ate some toast.
Then my nieces came over for a few hours. They played in the basement while I started a load of laundry, put Madelyn down for a nap, and took a shower by myself without any interruptions. Then I put on makeup and dried/fixed my hair in something other than a ponytail! Then I put pants on (not yoga pants!) and a cute top (not a t-shirt!).
After my nieces left, we all ate lunch and then I loaded the girls into the car and we went to the park. This is the first time I have taken both of them to the park by myself. They had a blast and Madelyn really enjoyed swinging.
Yes, I even put them in matching outfits today!
After the park we went to sonic for some ice cream and Lilly played at that park also. Nobody cried, threw a fit, got hurt, lost, or sunburned. I was feeling totally legit by this point.
Then we headed to the doctors for Madelyn's 9 month checkup. Both girls were very well behaved and we got in and out in 40 minutes. When we got home, Madelyn napped while Lilly and I played "super girl" and I folded up some laundry.
Thank you spring break for helping this mommy not feel like a crazy person. This time with my girls was much needed. They bring me so much joy. The countdown to summer break is on!
And I didn't burn Lilly's Eggo's this morning! :)
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