We have come a long way since this summer. I think back to when she was a newborn and Mike went back to work and there I was with a tiny baby that nursed 24/7 and a three year old who was trying to figure out this new life with a little sister. We would stay in bed until 11 before I had the energy to move. Lilly spent those first few weeks on the iPad. I couldn't leave them alone in the same room for one second because I was scared Lilly would try to pick her up. I don't know how I survived, but I did. Then slowly but surely we all adjusted to our new little family of four.
I absolutely love watching Lilly and Madelyn interact with each other. Lilly lets Madelyn lay all over her and pull her hair. She sings her songs and she even helps me change the diapers. I am so happy that Madelyn gets to grow up with a big sister like Lilly, and vise versa. What wonderful adventures they will have together.
Madelyn is getting pretty good at sitting up. This is a great stage because you can plop them down on the floor for a few minutes without them trying to crawl off. She definitely loves to be held and the dogs are extremely entertaining to her. She doesn't sleep through the night. She slept 9 hours straight one night and that's it. Totally like her big sister. And that's ok because I enjoy the nighttime snuggles. I figure I can just pawn them off on each other when Madelyn is old enough and they can sleep together. Or either we will have two kids in the middle of our bed.
Madelyn has also started to eat something other than breastmilk! She has had some oatmeal over the past week and some apple. She likes the oatmeal and hated the apple. Today I let her taste some banana which was followed by a bath! Only time will tell if she copies her big sisters picky eating.
Now there's only one week left of school and then I get two whole weeks with my girls. They love sharing germs back and forth so I'm hoping for a sick free Christmas. We all survived the stomach bug. It knocked down the whole house, one person at a time. I seriously need to win the lottery so I can give it to my parents. Maybe I shouldn't put that in writing.... :) Merry Christmas!
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