Holy moly this is so much easier the second time around but holy moly this is so hard with a toddler. I don't feel nearly as exhausted as I remember feeling with Lilly. Breastfeeding is going awesome. Everything feels very laid back with this baby. I'm not nearly as sore and I don't have that "how do we keep a baby alive" anxiety.
On the other hand, it is going to take a while for Lilly to adjust to this.
We had to take Madelyn to her first doctors appointment Monday morning. Everybody got ready and into the car right on time. That was pretty easy (yay!). Lilly was being a little "off" but she did pretty good. Madelyn checked out perfect. She even pooped all over Mike's shirt. She was only down 3oz. After our appointment we picked up our lunch from Miss Lacy's (thank you Faye!) and went home. This is when Lilly meltdown #1 happened. Mike took her with him to the grocery store and I took a nap with Madelyn. The rest of the afternoon was filled with Lilly meltdowns. I could tell she was just so confused and unsure of everything going on. It was hard. Our saving grace was that she had gymnastics at 6:00. Her G-Ma and aunts took her for us. She was so excited to go and I was happy to see her happy. Mike slept with her Monday night and she seemed totally fine with that.
Tuesday was WAY better. Lilly was much calmer and content. We played in the basement and watched several movies... I felt like I might be able to do this after all. Liz came over to visit and then Cole came to play so she was very distracted and didn't have time to think about baby and I. Bedtime was a different story. She had not napped all day and was exhausted. She cried and cried for me to lay with her. I did until she fell asleep.
Today was an ok day but I can feel myself getting a little emotional. That big hormonal drop is coming. Lilly was pretty clingy this morning. I can tell that she loves her little sister and she hugs and kisses on her but at the same time she's jealous over somebody else in her mommy's arms and she doesn't know how to express these feelings. Her Aunt Melisssa came over and played with her and Mike in the basement while I napped upstairs with Madelyn. It was a huge help. While I was upstairs I realized that I haven't brushed Lilly's teeth since Monday (maybe Sunday... I can't remember...). I am going to have to get into a routine before Mike goes back to work. Right now I am feeling scared about being at home with both of them without Mike. I hope Lilly gets enough attention and loved on and that I have lots of patience. I'm thinking about making a sticker chart for Lilly to check off our daily duties, like brushing teeth. I guess the chart would be more for me though :) So here goes nothing! Some days are going to be crazy hard and some days will be a little easier. I'm just going to love on my two girls as much as possible.
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