Thursday, May 28, 2015

Full Term

Baby Update! 

I had my 37 week checkup today. Madelyn is officially full term and I am officially ready to have this baby. I have gained 39 lbs so far (only gained 30 with Lilly) which explaines why my hips, legs, knees, and feet hurt. Stairs are my enemy. My waddle is so outrageous that I'm surprised baby ducks aren't following me around. I feel like a huge marshmallow. Even my lips are swollen and puffy. I literally have a handful of clothes left that fit me. It's a good thing that I don't have to wear pants around the house. But despite this glamorous picture I just painted in your head, I still love (yes love) being pregnant. It is one of the most beautiful things that I will ever experience. Feeling her kicks and hiccups are so special. This big round belly is so special. And growing her for 9 months is so special. So even though I am SO ready to meet her I am also trying to enjoy these last few days/weeks. 

I am 2 cm dilated and still about 70% effaced. I have definitely dropped since last week. I have contractions everyday but nothing consistent. I'm so curious to see how this labor is going to happen. Only time will tell! 

House Update! 

We are officially NOT homeowners anymore! We closed on our house yesterday and it is the biggest relief we have felt in a long time! Selling this house has been very stressful and it has really pulled us down at times, but we remained positive and hopeful and reminded ourselves of Gods timing. Mike has delt with 99% of the house stuff. He has done so much for me and didn't want me to feel stressed since I'm pregnant. He is the most wonderful husband and father and I thank God for him everyday. So we are officially in "phase two" of operation move closer to home. We plan to stay at my parents house and have this baby and then we will start looking for our new home after things settle down. We are so excited about our future as we transition into a family of four. As for now we will just sit back and wait for Madelyn to make her  appearance. I can't wait to see her beautiful face. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Life is a Roller Coaster

So... Life has been a roller coaster lately. I hate roller coasters. My brothers and daddy made me go on my first roller coaster when I was 18. Yes, made me.. (At least that's how I remember it). It was horrible. I think I cried on the way up and then screamed bloody murder the whole way down. And just as I thought it was over.. BAM there was another huge drop. 

I have felt like a ticking time bomb all week. I think I'm just expecting my water to break this time like it did with Lilly. I have no idea what "textbook labor" is like. I don't even know how or when to time contractions or what small contractions feel like. At my 35 week appointment I learned that I had dilated some, which was no big deal, but that I was 70% effaced, which scared the mess out of me. The midwife told me they could check me again the following week to see if anything had changed since we were planning on going to Greenville to pack and move out our furniture. I had pretty much decided that I shouldn't go anywhere after that, but that meant Mike would be 2 hours away for three days. This had me worried sick but we didn't have a choice since our closing date is next Wednesdsay. 

My head cold/allergies/sinus infection/ came back with a vengeance on Monday. I have coughed, sneezed, and blown my nose so much. And coughing/sneezing is dangerous when you are 8 months pregnant with a baby's head sitting on your bladder. My voice is hanging on by a thread. We had testing this week at school. By Thursday I was feeling exhausted and extra crampy/pressure. I just knew that I had dilated some more or something. Mike (my knight in shining armor) met me at the doctors office. We were both extremely nervous to see what they would say since he would be leaving town, and not to mention that I don't really want to have a baby at 36 weeks. I would rather her cook another week at least. AND I definitely couldn't have a baby feeling as sick as I did. 

First things first, she immediately wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic. Maddie Lou's heartbeat was good and she is measuring good. The best news of all is that I haven't changed a bit since last week. What a huge relief. I could see the anxiety float away from Mike's face. We just kept saying we need to get through this weekend. 

So roller coaster ride is over, right!? Wrong. Lilly woke up at 1 am with a fever. By this morning it had reached 102.3 with meds. So off to the doctors office. The first thing they test her for is the flu. The freaking flu. In May. I had sweat dripping down my face waiting for the results. The flu is the last thing I wanted her to have. I was planning on spending this weekend doing fun things with my Lilly Bug. It almost feels like this is our last little bit together before she becomes a big sister. I've been having some major hormonal issues thinking about this. I am extremely excited to meet this new baby but a part of me feels a little sad. Lilly is my best bud and it's hard to imagine how things are going to be with a new baby. I'm assuming these emotions are normal.. and I know we will fall into a new routine. But I just want to get in as many snuggles and kisses as I can. 

So I was so relieved to learn that it wasn't the flu! The doctor thinks it's more viral, but her ear was a little red. She wrote me a prescription just in case she needed something over the long weekend. And I am definitely getting lots of snuggles and cuddles since she is very clingy when she doesn't feel good. 

So our weekend plan is to take it easy, start to feel better, get Mike back home and NOT have a baby. Hopefully this roller coaster has come to a stop for now. I am so ready to hop off of this one. I think I'll stick with the kiddie rides. :) 

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Waiting Game

So at my 35 week checkup yesterday I learned that I am 1 1/2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Wow. I wasn't expecting that at all. Maddie Lou is head down or "locked and loaded" as the midwife said. She also said there was no way I'll make it to 40 weeks. I kind of thought that anyways but I definitely want her to cook a few more weeks. 

I came home and packed my bag. I'm going to be prepared this time! 

The waiting game is much more terrifying this time around. With Lilly I just KNEW that I would go over my due date, have to be induced and have a long labor. But she proved me wrong at 38 weeks with only 5 hours of labor. 

I am so curious/excited/nervous to see how this baby will enter the world. I bought the girls their first matching outfit. (I love saying "the girls"!!!!!!) I wrapped Lilly's outfit so she can open it and wear her dress to the hospital to meet her sister. 

 We are supposed to go to Greenville next weekend to move everything out but I'm not sure if I will be making that trip. My next appointment is Thursday and she said she would check me again to see if anything has changed. So I've already told Madelyn that I need her to stay put until our closing date. I wonder if she will listen? Only time will tell! :) 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Teachers Don't Cry

"Where do you work" 

"I'm a teacher"

"What grade do you teach?" 


"Awww, that's a great age. Not too young but they still want to please you." 

"Yes, I love 2nd grade" 

This is a very typical conversation I have when I meet someone new. But there is really so much more I could say about teaching. It's not all about having summers off, leaving work at 3:30, and not working holidays. I am very grateful for these things, especially since I have a child of my own now, but that's not really what it's like. We pin and plan lesson ideas on our days off and there are several days when leaving at 3:30 is impossible. We work 8+ hour days, have a 15 minute lunch (if we're lucky) and we do not get paid for staying late. 

So why in the world do we do this!? 

Some come to us tired, bruised, and hungry. They haven't had a positive word said to them since they left school the day before. They haven't had a hot meal. They haven't had a bath. They haven't had a hug. They haven't seen a smile. It's our job to make sure they get all of these things in the 7 hours they are with us. Oh yeah, and they need to be able to pass all of their assessments and be on grade level. But that's ok because teachers like a challenge. So we teach them and we do it with a smile on our face. 

But after they have gone for the day sometimes our smiles fade and tears fall from our eyes. We worry about you. We hope you stay safe. Even if you drive us crazy we pray you are taken care of the way we take care of our own children. We love you. 

There are times when we feel like you might never get it, but then you surprise us by growing 3 reading levels, using manners in the lunch line, or passing your math test. It makes our hearts so happy. 

And when you aren't looking, we shed a tear or two. We are so proud of you. 

We watch you struggle and fail and we watch you strive and succeed. We watch you make bad choices and we watch you show compassion and sympathy towards a friend. We shed tears either way. 

We see the anxiety written all over your face before a test and we see the happiness you feel when you meet your goal. And once again we shed tears for you. 

Good or bad, pass or fail, clean or dirty, hungry or full, sweet or an absolute hot mess.... We shed tears for you. 

And as summer vacation quickly approaches, we will still have sleepless nights wondering if you are ok. We will miss you and we will be anxious to see you again next school year. And even as we dream about flip flops and ocean water on that last day, we will shed a tear because, believe it or not, we will miss you. ALL of you. 

This is why we really do what we do. We have one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. So even though our bank accounts might be low, our hearts are so full because we get paid with hugs and homemade cards. Thank you to all of the wonderful teachers that shed tears for their students everyday.