Wednesday, February 11, 2015

21 Questions

What is something mommy always says to you? Books

How old are you? 2

How old is mommy? 5

How old is daddy? 6

What makes you happy? Daddy and you

What makes you sad? I go to school and I cry for momma. 

What is your favorite movie? Tangled

Who is your best friend? Sophie, Emma 

What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't want to get big, I want to get little. 

What is your favorite color? Pink

What do you like to wear? A dress

What is your favorite food and drink? Chips and milk

Where does daddy work? He works at his thing and he builds it.

Where does mommy work? You work at school. 

Why is mommy's belly so big? Cause it's Maddie Lou

What do you want to teach your baby sister? I want to teach her how to walk and slide and say momma and daddy and that's all I says

What is your baby sisters name? Maddie Lou 

What do you like to sing? Cinderella 

What is your favorite animal? Umm gariffe 

Where is your favorite place to go? To the zoo and to church

What is love? Love is when you have fun today and love is very nice 

I plan on asking Lilly (and Madelyn when she's old enough) these questions every now and then. I have a binder for Lilly that has all of my blogs in it so I can give it to her one day. I'll have to make one for my Maddie Lou too. Her answers are so precious. We had her parent/teacher conference at daycare yesterday and she has excelled in everything. I'm so proud of her and the little person that she is. 

In mommy news, I finally got my van that I've been wanting!! I absolutely love it. I wrote a blog almost 2 years ago about wanting a van and filling it up with kids. Now I just need my "baby on board" sticker and I'll be set. :) Madelyn's kicks are getting stronger everyday. She is now the size of a spaghetti squash and weighs 1 lb. I am 22 weeks already! That blows my mind. Lilly enjoys kissing and rubbing my belly and telling me how big it is. I can't wait for her to rub and kiss her in person. What a great big sister she will be. 

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