Our life is so busy right now. We travel here and there. We both have full time jobs. Mike is in grad school. And to top it all off our house is for sale. Trying to keep a house clean with a toddler is like trying to keep a snowflake off your car in the middle of a blizzard... IMPOSSIBLE! Everything I pick up and put away is pulled right back out. Lilly has a new fascination with pulling things out of cabnits and bags. Our dog is shedding so bad that I'm a millisecond away from having the worlds biggest anxiety attack and shaving him bald. I could literally vacuum the house 3 times a day and there would still be dog hair... Not to mention that there is no time to vacuum 3 times a day.. Or even 3 times a week.. Or dare I say 3 times a month!!!
But we try our best to just go with it. Clean a little bit here and there. Let Lilly pull things out of the cabnits and destroy her room. Take her to the park instead of folding laundry. But it's still so easy to get wrapped up in all the hussle and bussle of every day life. So when we have a moment like last night, when everything is quiet and still, I try to take a deep breath and remember what is really important. And suddenly the laundry and tumbleweeds of dog hair that are floating around my house are a distant memory and my heart is overflowed with the love I have for my family (yes, even the dog). It's moments like that that bring me back to reality and destroys any little bit of anxiety I'm feeling. I have a beautiful and healthy daughter and a husband that loves us both. I am very very blessed.
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