Tuesday, April 30, 2013

There's A New Doctor In Town!

What an eventful week! And it's only Tuesday!

Lilly woke up Sunday morning with a rash on her back and face. It didn't seem to bother her and she went on with her usual activities of walking, pulling things out of cabinets, trying to climb the stairs, and of course nursing! But by Sunday night the rash had spread to her tummy and was starting to look bad. She didn't have a fever and she hadn't tried any new foods. The only thing I could think of was that it came from her new shirt she wore the day before. She still seemed ok though so I tried not to worry. After all, it's not the first rash Lilly has ever had. Well that all changed at 1:00 am. Lilly woke up miserable.. And stayed miserable for the next 3 hours. She finally settled back down around 4:00 am. By 6:30 that morning her rash was 10x worse and now covered her entire body.

Thank goodness she already had a doctors appointment scheduled with her new doctor at 1:45 that afternoon. And thank goodness my cousin/best friend is a nurse who reassured me all day!

The doctor took one look at her and knew right away that the rash was a reaction to her shots she got recently. It is completely harmless and not contagious. The reason she was so miserable was because she had a double ear infection... Poop. The hardest thing about being a parent is when your child is sick. Breaks.. My.. Heart...

On a positive note, the new doctor is FABULOUS! She charted Lilly's growth using the WHO growth chart and get this... Lilly was in the 30% for weight! Big difference from "failure to thrive". I guess being charted as a BOY and not a girl on the wrong chart matters after all! (Excuse me as I take some deep breaths and count to 10)....

Dr. Morgan was very supportive and caring and made me feel so much better about everything. She was happy with the progress Lilly was already making with trying new foods. We go back in a month for a follow up. So we will just keep encouraging Lilly to try new foods. She was finally perking back up this afternoon and returned to her daily activities that kept mommy on her toes. What a little blessing our Lilly Grace is!

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