Well.. It's here. Lilly's first birthday is in 3 days. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! This time last year I was 38 weeks pregnant and dreaded going to work and being on my fat pregnant feet. I was counting down the days until spring break so I could relax and get the house ready for our new roommate that was suppose to make her appearance April 16th. All of her clothes were washed and put away and I even had her hospital bag packed. Mike and I talked about what a huge baby hog I was going to be and we wondered what she would look like. How much would she weigh? Would she have hair? Well, we didn't have to wait too much longer to find out that she weighed 6 lbs 11 ounces and looked just like her daddy. I've learned so much this year.
There were a lot of questions and emotions that we had before we decided to try to have a baby. We went back and forth all summer long. Were we ready? Could we afford it? Would we be able to survive without sleeping in on the weekends? It is such a huge decision. I prayed about it. And then, ready or not, here she comes! These are a few things I would tell my pre-baby self:
Don't worry about money. If you wait until you can afford to have a child then you will NEVER have one (and having grandmas that buy the baby something every time they go shopping helps too!).
Sleep is overrated. You will be AMAZED at what you can do on little to no sleep. And those early Saturday mornings playing in the bed will be the best part of your day.
Enjoy chewing your food and taking your time at restaurants because once the baby gets here you will have to scarf it down in one huge bite... At least for a little while. :-)
You will find that buying things for your baby is so much more fun than buying things for yourself.
Don't register for or buy a bunch of bottles because your baby might be picky...
Baby bedding is super cute and it's something you feel like you have to buy but you won't use it.
What you think you know will completely change after having a baby. Never say never. (Ex: I will never let the baby sleep in the bed).
Always remember, momma knows best! Follow your mommy instincts.
Enjoy using the bathroom by yourself.
Don't worry...You will still have days where nobody gets out of their pj's.
And the most important thing to know is that there is nothing like it. It is a decision that you will never regret and a love like no other.
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