Sunday, June 18, 2017

Daddy's Girl

The church sermon this morning was about planting a good seed. The preacher talked about Father's Day and how important our father's are. They are our biggest teacher. Our number one fan. And the whole time the preacher was preaching about Father's, I was thinking about my daddy.

He planted a good seed. He planted three good seeds. He watered us, weeded us, protected us, and watched us grow.

When I think back on my childhood, I am flooded with tons and tons of wonderful memories shared with my dad and my family.

I remember all of our family vacations to the beach. I remember how you would pick me up over the waves. You would build the best sand pool for us to play in. We would fill up buckets with sand fiddlers. One time we made a humongous sand castle. I remember our mountain trips and cutting down our own Christmas tree. I remember that hot day in Gettysburg and learning about our family history. Somehow you made that fun. But the best part was just being with you on a trip.

I remember you at all of my dance recitals. I remember the flowers you would give me.

I remember that half eaten snickers bar I gave you as a present one time.

I remember your "Spivey Specials" that you cooked up in the kitchen. Only you could make spaghetti taste like smoke. I remember laughing about that.

I remember the tree house you built me in the backyard. I remember playing baseball back there and the swing set you put together. I remember the beautiful flowers you would plant. I remember how much you appreciated a nice yard.

I remember your truck with the little windshield wipers. I remember playing "van bop" in the car. I remember you teaching me how to drive.

I remember your nice comfy lap in that recliner downstairs. You would let me listen to your music and wear your big headphones. I remember The Beetles and calling Simon and Garfunkel "Simon and Garfield". I remember your guitar.

I remember one night being scared of the tooth fairy and I went downstairs and cuddled in your lap. I remember sitting in that lap through hurricanes, thunderstorms, and bad dreams.

I remember that time you let me paint your toenails and forgot they were painted. We played eye spy on the beach and I spied something pink... your toes!

I remember sleeping in your big t-shirts.

I remember Christmas mornings. I remember that trampoline that must have taking you all night to put together.

I remember being stung by a wasp and you put tobacco on it.

I remember you apologizing when you were wrong.

I remember you moving me into my dorm room on the 3rd floor on a 95 degree day in August. I remember you moving me several more times into apartments and houses.

I remember the first (and last) time I rode a roller coaster with you. I remember how tight I squeezed your arm.

I remember how much you loved mom. I remember how gross I thought it was when you kissed her.

I remember you being there to cheer for me at my high school, college, and Master's graduation.

I remember that time I wrecked my car after you had just put new tires on it, and you told me that tires can be replaced but you can't replace me.

I remember when you walked me down the isle and I didn't want to let go of you. I remember our awesome dance at the reception.

I remember when you held Lilly for the first time.

I remember when you let me live with you for 2 years. I remember that you didn't complain not one time about us taking over your space.

I remember bringing Madelyn home to your house. Her first home was with you. And you held her all of the time for me.

I remember your knee surgeries and how bad I hated seeing you in pain.

I remember how you painted my whole house, twice.

I remember all of it. All of the Valentine cards and chocolates, all of the hugs, the coffee visits, all of the selfless things you did and continue to do for me every single day.

How did I get so lucky to have a dad like you? Thank you for planting those seeds. Thank you for teaching us that family is the most important thing there is. Thank you for moving us back home. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories you have made with me and all of the wonderful memories yet to come. Thank you for being you. I love you daddy.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

You're Worth It

The first night of summer break is filled with mixed emotions. No more alarm clock, getting lunches ready, morning duty, dress pants, gallons of coffee (well maybe I'll still need this), getting two kids ready for school, burning egos, or paying for daycare!

Another year has come and gone and another group of students have touched my heart. They come to us as tiny little 7 year olds and leave us as big "ready for third grade" 8 year olds. They grew leaps and bounds. They drove us crazy. They made us proud. They made us sad. They made us laugh. They  made us homemade cards. They made us repeat ourselves 500 times. They made us smile and also made us use that "teacher look".

So as I close my eyes tonight and think about how glad I am to spend a summer with my girls, I also close my eyes tonight and worry about them. You know, those students who tested your patience day after day. The ones that said they hate school. The ones that made bad choices again and again. The ones that drove you absolutely crazy. The ones that never did their homework or returned their reading books. Yep. We all have them every year.

They also make you lose sleep. Because we worry about what they will eat, and what they will hear, and what they will see, and what they will do over the next 3 months. And you know they are worried too when they don't want to get on the bus that last day of school. But when one of your toughest students of the school year tells you that his favorite part of 2nd grade was meeting all of us, and that he didn't want school to be over... that's when you know it was all worth it. Because of all of the inappropriate things he could have said in that moment, he chose kindness. And he chose to speak from his heart. And he chose to be brave in front of his peers.

And that is why it's worth it.

Say lots of prayers for these babies that are sad about not coming to school tomorrow. Pray that they hear an "I love you" and that they feel safe.

Happy summer break ❤️

Monday, April 3, 2017

I Remember When

I remember when I saw those two pink lines on that pregnancy test. It was August 5, 2011, 3 days before my 2nd wedding anniversary. I came out of that bathroom in our old house after staring at that test for what seemed like an eternity. I went up to your daddy and gave him a great big hug. We were so excited about you.

I remember when we told both of your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends about you. I remember the look of joy on their faces.

I remember that awful morning sickness that never happened in the morning, only at night. I remember your daddy feeling bad for me and hoping it would pass quickly, which it did.

I remember our first doctors visit and seeing your tiny little heart beat on that screen. I remember the sound of that heartbeat. I remember the prayers I said for you.

I remember the first time I felt you kick. I had just vacuumed the house and I sat down on the couch and there you were. Those kicks got bigger and stronger. I loved those kicks.

I remember when they told me that you were a girl. I remember the smile on your daddy's face. We went to Babies R Us right after your appointment and I looked at all of the little girl things.

I remember all of your baby showers and decorating your nursery. I remember thinking that my belly couldn't get any bigger. I remember eating Oreos in a bowl with milk and the look on your daddy's face when I would finish my plate and start eating off of his.

I remember the day before you were born. I went to work and had a few cramps here and there. I had a doctors appointment that afternoon and you were super healthy and happy in there. Your daddy and I ate dinner and Buffalo Wild Wings and then had yogurt for dessert. We went home and took a walk around the neighborhood. I called my parents when we got home and the first thing my dad said was "are you in labor"... I remember laughing at him because you were not due for two more weeks.

I remember that contraction that woke me up at 3 am. I remember telling your daddy that my water broke a few minutes later. I called the midwife and she told me to try and rest and to go to the hospital first thing in the morning. I remember taking a shower and your daddy was trying to time my contractions. I remember him telling me that they were every 2 minutes. I was trying to pack a bag for the hospital but I had to keep stopping because of the pain. I remember throwing the birth notes I took at the birthing class across the bed in frustration because they did not line up with what was going on.

I remember talking to my mom between contractions and her telling me that it was definitely time to go to the hospital.

I remember that car ride. Boy do I remember that car ride. Your daddy drove so fast I felt like I was in an airplane. I told him that I didn't want to do this and he told me you were ready to come and that it was going to be ok.

I remember getting to the hospital at 5 am. I remember all of the contractions I had in the lobby and the look on the mans face that was checking us in.

I remember when the nurse told me I was 9 cm dilated as soon as I got into a room. I remember how calm she was and how she told me it was going to be ok and that I was going to meet you real soon.

I remember pushing for almost 3 hours. I asked your dad for water every 5 seconds. He held my hand and helped me breathe. And finally, the midwife told me to look down and I pulled you to my chest.

I remember that feeling. That feeling of calmness and relief. That feeling of overwhelming love and joy. That feeling of your tiny little body against my chest. A moment that I will cherish forever.

The day you were born was one of the most precious moments of my life. A life changing day for your daddy and I. You have grown and grown and grown. You have such a kind heart and I love that about you. We are so proud to be your parents. Happy 5th birthday Lilly Bug.