Friday, November 22, 2013

That Moment

We are an hour and a half into our 9 hour drive to DISNEY WORLD! So far Lilly has slept. We are riding with my nieces who are eagerly waiting for her to wake up. I figured this would be a great time to write an extremely cheesy blog about seeing Lilly for the first time. 

I have a good friend and cousin that are both pregnant right now with their first little ones. Audrey Jo is going to have her little girl any second now (although I told her she CANNOT have her while we are in Disney) and Julie's little girl is due in February.  I am so excited for them. I am so excited for them. I am SO EXCITED FOR THEM! They are about to experience "that moment". It is so hard to describe that moment in words. You hear everybody say "it was the best moment of my life" and this is very true... It will be the best moment of your life, but what makes it the best moment? It's seeing her face for the first time, hearing her cry out, that skin-to-skin contact when they lay her on your chest, and just that overall feeling of "she's finally here"! Time will stand still, tears will flow, and you will not be able to take your eyes off of her. You will kiss her more times in that first hour than you can count. You will share her with your family. Your heart will melt when your husband holds her. You will feel so much peace and joy and you will thank God over and over for this wonderful gift. The gift of motherhood. There's nothing like it! 

And you will think back at that moment a lot over those first few years and your heart will swell up all over again. Make sure a nurse takes plenty of pictures to capture those first moments you will share with your daughter. Look at them often as a reminder of how blessed you are (especially when they are teething or when they learn the word no...). So here's to my pregnant friends! You will soon be able to see your feet again, bend over, walk and not waddle, and experience the most incredible moment of your life. I'm so excited for you! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mommy Daycare

Somebody's 19 months old today! We are home today due to an ear infection that snuck up on us this weekend, just in time for daddy's arrival back home! He was gone all last week to a training in New York. Boy was I glad to see him! This is how our week went without our main squeeze.   

Monday- Monday was a teacher work day and Mike took Lilly to daycare before he left for the airport. After work Lilly and I hung out at the park with Miss Angela and Miss Margaret (my teacher friends). When we got home I made the biggest pot of spaghetti in the world to last me the whole week. Mike is the cook in our family so by this time I was really missing him! Then I gave us both a shower and settled down for the night in the bed with Lilly Bug. Overall, Monday was a success! 

Tuesday- I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to make sure Lilly got to daycare at 7 so I wouldn't be late for work. Lilly slept in though so that made it easier for me. I had to wake her up and get her ready in 10 minutes before we headed out the door. We were late... She screamed bloody murder when I dropped her off. I had speghatti for lunch. I picked Lilly up after work and she was not ready to leave daycare... Everytime I went to pick her up she would run away laughing. So we stayed and played outside for about 30 more minutes. When we got home I ate spaghetti for dinner and Lilly had her usual dinner of yogurt, cheese, and pickles (I kid you not) but she did at least taste some spaghetti. Then we got our shower and settled down for the night. Oh crap! The chickens!!! We got back out of bed and gave the chickens water and food. Sorry chickens. 

Wednesday- Woke up even earlier than the crack of dawn and Lilly slept in again. She still cried when I dropped her off but I wasn't late this time! I ate spaghetti for lunch. Wednesday night was McTeacher night for our school. I had signed up to be there from 5-6 so I drove into town to get Lilly and then went right to the McDonalds near my school. Since I couldn't really help in the back Lilly and I were the greeters. Lilly had a good time running around and I got to show her off to a few of my students. When we got home I ate... you guessed it...spaghetti. By this point I (and my tummy) missed my husband terribly. 

Thursday- Thursday was Halloween! Lilly got to wear her costume to daycare and I had to bring in goldfish for their class party.. And I remembered!!! She didn't cry and I wasn't late for work! I had spaghetti for lunch. I'm pretty sure my students were starting to call me spaghetti lady behind my back. "Spaghetti AGAIN Mrs. Stec??". After work I picked Lilly up and we met up with her friend Emma and Sophia at Chick-fil-a for dinner!! My taste buds were singing! Then we went out trick-or-treating. We were not sure how this would play out but it turns out that our children love getting candy from complete strangers! I was going to put the candy that she collected in my treat box at school but I clearly have no self control around candy. This was one of the best nights I have ever had. My child amazes me every single day. 

Friday- Yay we made it!!! Lilly was walking into daycare no problem by Friday. I picked her up and we went home to play. I ate a hot pocket for dinner and we watched Elmo. Mikes flight got delayed and he didn't leave NY until 8:00 pm. Lilly and I went to bed only to have her wake up a few hours later with a fever. This was the start of her ear infection. Mike got home at midnight and the rest of the weekend was spent taking care of Lilly Bug. Oh yeah... And eating the most delicious chicken wings my husband has ever made! We missed you honey!!