Oh boy! Lilly's little personality is really starting to show. I think I have to use the word "toddler" now. But this isn't a bad thing. A little bittersweet.. Well A LOT bittersweet... But she is SO much fun right now. And all of this "NO" talk is really cracking us up. I might as well laugh now because it might not be so cute later down the road.
"Lilly, put down your phone and come eat dinner with your family" ... "NO!" ..... Nah, Lilly will never be like that. Right?.. RIGHT!!!???
So, I saw this blog recently about reasons why my son is crying and thought I would come up with my own variation...
Reasons Why My Daughter says NOOOO!!
I put her in her highchair.
I won't let her play in the fireplace.
I put the baby gate on the stairs.
I picked her up.
I put her down.
I put her socks and shoes on.
I took her socks and shoes off.
I won't let her play in the dogs water bowl.
I took her out of the tub.
I put her clothes on.
I offered her a greenbean.
I put her in her carseat.
I wiped her nose.
I took a bite of her pickle.
I laugh every..single..time!! She is Miss Independent right now and wants to do things her way. She is saying so many words and I just love her little voice. She said hey to every single person at the grocery store yesterday. She is my free spirited child and I wouldn't have her any other way. Cheers to the toddler years!